Maintain Your Voice of Authority

Teaching can be one hell of a stressful job, and that stress extends to your voice too!

The stats on voice problems within the teaching profession are staggering. In fact, research has found that teachers are 32 times more likely to report voice difficulties than the average person. 1 in 2 teachers will end up having a voice problem at some point in their career.

It’s no wonder that these statistics are as staggering as they are; your workload is extremely high, and you don’t have the time to complete a full vocal workout every morning. You also rely on your voice for the majority of the day. The classroom environment doesn’t exactly help either, with heated rooms and poor acoustics all contributing to the added strain put on your voice. We believe that Vocalzone could be a true aid in your classroom.


Vocalzone is no ordinary throat pastille. It’s a specialist product formulated to target the symptoms of a voice professionals sore throat to help soothe and relieve the strain resulting from vocal overuse.

The Benefits of Using Vocalzone

There isn’t a single throat pastille, lozenge, tablet or throat sweet on the market which will magically heal the symptoms of an overworked voice or sore throat. However, combined with healthy vocal care routines, Vocalzone will effectively reduce the discomfort which can result from vocal strain.

Powerful Active Ingredients

Powerful Active Ingredients

Our powerful formula combines to offer a soothing, relieving and clearing remedy to combat throat irritation or dryness, at any point during the day.

No Anaesthetic Agents

No Anaesthetic Agents

Vocal damage has brought a number of teaching careers to a premature ending. Unlike the majority of other throat remedies, Vocalzone contains no anaesthetic. This means you won’t be masking any vocal damage as Vocalzone only works to soothe and relieve overworked voices without masking underlying damage.

A Confidence Boost

A Confidence Boost

Vocalzone consistently delivers, giving you confidence in the classroom when speaking. Its antimicrobial benefits, combined with the use of peppermint oil and menthol will give you a minty, fresh breath.

Gluten & Lactose Free

Gluten & Lactose Free

Vocalzone Throat Pastilles are both gluten free and lactose free. Please note Vocalzone Pastilles do contain liquorice and for this reason we recommend that you do not exceed more than one pastille every two hours.

Vegan Friendly

Vegan Friendly

Our pastille is manufactured without the use of animal products, making it suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans.

Your voice is your income, without it you wouldn’t be able to do your job. That’s why we are passionate about raising awareness about some of the vocal hurdles that teachers are facing in their jobs.

Our products should be used to enhance your vocal care, and offer a soothing relief for times when you have pushed your voice a little too far. We know that time is a luxury in your line of work, so have worked with our Voice Experts on a 5 minute vocal warm up – Voice Tips For Teachers on The Record Blog which you can do almost anywhere to help prepare your voice for the day ahead.

We’re committed to delivering the best in vocal care awareness, so be sure to check out The Record Blog for even more hints, tips and vocal exercises from the V-Team.

Where Can I Get Vocalzone?

Vocalzone is sold both online and in stores around the UK.

What Teachers Say About Vocalzone

Micki Maynard

Micki Maynard

Author, Lecturer, Senior Broadcaster & New York Times Journalist

'I have been buying packs of [Vocalzone] for years every time I swing through the UK. I take one before every TV and radio appearance and every speech, and they are a godsend given my allergies -- nothing else clears up my voice as well. I've recommended them to lots of friends in the media here in the States.'