Resonate with your Audience
You’re probably looking at this page because you’re intrigued about how your voice is being affected in the work that you do.
In recent years, an increasing number of blogs have evolved to include some form of audio/video element, whether that be a stream, vlog, podcast or in some cases a live appearance at a particular event. Where once traditional blogs relied on well written and engaging content, there is now more of a requirement for you to effectively be able to use your voice.
For example Twitch; most influencers on this platform are streaming on average for three hours a day, most days of the week. Take into account in the duration of an average stream, the passion and competitive nature of the gameplay, and the need to maintain interaction with your audience through your voice; you can quickly see how the voice can be overused. Then there are bloggers and vloggers. It’s such a competitive market, and it’s important to have regular interaction with your fans. With a shift towards video, this means having to use your voice more often, which can put an additional pressure on your vocal cords.

Vocalzone is no ordinary throat pastille. It’s a specialist product formulated to target the symptoms of a voice professionals sore throat; to help soothe and relieve the strain resulting from vocal overuse.
The Benefits of Using Vocalzone
There isn’t a single throat pastille, lozenge, tablet or throat sweet on the market which will magically heal the symptoms of an overworked voice or sore throat. However, combined with healthy vocal care routines, Vocalzone will effectively reduce the discomfort which can result from vocal strain.

Powerful Active Ingredients
Our powerful formula combines to offer a soothing, relieving and clearing remedy to combat throat irritation or dryness, whether that be before, during or after your performance.

No Anaesthetic Agents
As an online influencer, you want to be in control of your voice. Unlike the majority of other throat remedies, Vocalzone contains no anaesthetic. This means you won’t be masking any vocal damage as Vocalzone only works to soothe and relieve overworked voices without masking underlying damage.

A Confidence Boost
Vocalzone consistently delivers, giving you the confidence to engage in prolonged conversation. It also helps clear your airways, and regulate your mucus, so you can feel confident and focus on your performance.

Gluten & Lactose Free
Vocalzone Throat Pastilles are both gluten free and lactose free. Please note Vocalzone Pastilles do contain liquorice and for this reason we recommend that you do not exceed more than one pastille every two hours.

Vegan Friendly
Our pastille is manufactured without the use of animal products, making it suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans.
Your voice resonates with your fans, and without it, it becomes more challenging to engage your audience. That’s why we are passionate about raising awareness about some of the vocal hurdles that you could face in your job.
Our products should be used to enhance your vocal care, and offer a soothing relief for times when you have pushed your voice a little too far. Taking simple steps can help you protect and get the most out of your vocal chords.
We’re committed to delivering the best in vocal care awareness, so be sure to check out The Record Blog for hints, tips and vocal exercises from the V-Team; to help keep your voice in the game.
Where Can I Get Vocalzone?
Vocalzone is sold both online and in stores around the UK.

What Bloggers, Vloggers & Twitchers Say About Vocalzone
Browse our blog for music and entertainment news, exclusive Live Sessions and Vocal Care tips & exercises from the V-Team.